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Whyraven, 31 y.o.
Melbourne, Australia [Current City]


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Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 737.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2011
!!! AMELIA!!! I MISSED YOU WHERE DID YOU GO!!!!! I knew you would be back yesterday or today, or maybe in the next few days, because I had just listened to Florence's album like five times through, for the first time in aaaaaagges, it was like a sign! I'm sure of it! Everything is well and dandy, it is summer, and I saw a rabbit and one deer yesterday. Did you recieve the letter I sent you? And how are you? What have you been doing? I'm going to check facebook now, TALK TO YOU SOON! SO GLAD TO HEAR FROM YOU!!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2011
hey Amelia,
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 15, 2011
Thanks for the warning :D
Luckily I was not studying, which means I could watch it twice in a row!
hey I think schools should play mr blue sky instead of making the kids pledge to the flag every morning! Did your schools ever do anything like that? (not the Mr blue sky one, but if your school did that then you went to the coolest elementary school in existence. That school would also have Muppets hired as all of the teachers, and giraffe rides on the playground)

They make you take off your rings?? How does that even make sense? Obviously rings are some new invention, they don't know how to handle the shock of this new technology.
people with orange faces are scary.

When will you go see it? the painting
Thank you! I had hoped that you would like it. I wish that I could have used "hullabaloo" though.
I have something to mail to you tomorrow :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2011
And now, your requested nonsense,


Did I tell you about my new kind of blue?
It is actually quite an unusual hue
It makes babies spew
and gives people the flu
it looks terrible on a wall, and worse on a shoe..
I got it in peru
at a pickle zoo!
from a jellyfish playing it through a kazoo!
it fell on top of a balloon-making crew
they had to be sent back to kalamazoo
because they smelled too much like beet-root stew.
I guess it isn't a desirable blue..

Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2011
I wish too, there would only be tomorrow, and yesterday. Beyond that is too far away, nobody worries about it!
Ohio is the white one. It is right below Michigan (the one that looks like a mitten) where I live.
I doubt there are actually magical things in Ohio, it is mostly corn fields from what I have seen.

Is the cover with him as a kid all psychedelic-like? That is probably an actual photograph, not altered or photoshopped in any way.
I have only youtube listened to it, I don't have the actual album yet, I need to get it!!
I have this week off from school, but there is so so much schoolwork still to do. It is like the teachers plan for this and then bombard with work and when we go back to school they tell everyone how nice their vacation to peru was.
That painting is going to Melbourne just to see YOU, Amelia!! You must be first in line to see it, camp out there all week if you have to!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2011
thank you thank you thank you! (the first two were american, but I did the last one in an australian, so you can read it like that :D )
I don't feel any more mature though, I don't feel any different at all. Maybe it's not my real birthday, maybe I was adopted. From a place where days exist that don't here. I don't know where that is at, Ohio maybe.

Here is one!! I looooooooooooooove it, it is my favorite as I am listening to it right now. I hope that you like it!

When does the album come out? Here it comes out on March 1st, but in europe it comes out the day before, is it already out in australia???
you will certainly come across it when you least expect it, it will come floating down from the sky with a miniature parachute and a chorus of little alexander angels swirling around it.
how are you anyway? I am sure you have been plenty busy :)

Brian Jonestown Massacre!! Every time I think I know the best song from them, a better one comes along :) they do have a lot of songs.
bye :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2011
Today I went vinyl shopping and the old folks home must have taken a field trip to the second hand shop because the place was packed! I couldn't even really move through the store, there were people standing around everywhere. But I did see by the vinyl aisle there was this old man SITTING ON A STACK OF RECORDS WHILE LOOKING THROUGH THE OTHER BINS OF RECORDS! I wish I had had my camera.
Can you do any shadow puppets? I can only do the regular rooster/dog thing that everyone can do. Plus a somewhat convincing bird, but only when I do the sound effects too. You should make a shadow puppet movie. Or a real puppet movie.
Australian accent isn't really so bad, I actually think it sounds pretty interesting. Sometimes when someone holds a door open for me I say "thank you" in my attempt at an australian accent, just to make myself seem more interesting. I doubt anyone notices. (also two words is about the extent I can keep it without doing it wrong and ruining it. I am so terrible at accents)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 12, 2011
Did you hear any of the other Alexander songs? Each one I hear sounds more brilliant, until I go back and listen to the previous one, then THAt one sounds more brilliant, it is like one of those neverending things you learn about in science class, only it is better because it is not science, it's magic.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2011
don't really know. Watch there be a street in the next neighborhood over named Canberra and I have seen it a 130 times. still talking nonsense, sorry. it is 1am and it is my birthday :)
I have been increasingly listening to that song, the lyrics are genius! his brain dances as well as he does. do you like Ima Robot? I only really know one song from them.

I hope I have a nice day too, but I especially hope that you dooooo!!
talk to y ou soon, Amelia :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 5, 2011
helloo :)
I think so, that is the definition with the number 1 next to it and then the 2 underneath it is something about ultimate humiliation.
ahhhh, but I am positive they were worth every minute waiting in that heat! I'm so glad you got to see them, they are so great. Alex is the best dancer, I was so surprised when he started, because up until then he had spent the majority of the time sitting down on the stage playing bongos and calmly smiling at various people in the front row, then all of the sudden he leaped up from the ground and started doing the craziest most ridiculous best most fascinating dancing I have ever seen!!, a dance that would be at home around a campfire or in the street or at the beach or just about anywhere you can enjoy in the summer.
wow. that was a lot about his dancing.
I DO THAT TOO! I have a bunch that I haven't listened to, some I don't know why I bought, but I am still glad I did somehow. Someday I will put on one of the forgotten records and it will be so great that I will be in awe why I had never concieved of listening to it sooner! or at least I hope that happens
I bought one that says "The Ventures: Guitar Freakouts!" and it has a really purple really psychedelic cover, I still need to listen to it.
I am not sure what these wall hanging things are really. Do they usually have pictures of farms painted on them? and you flip them around when the seasons change because it has a winter scene painted on the other side? I think it would be nice to have stained glass windows in a house. Or those old old fashioned windows with the diamond shapes.
Maybe that is why the schools pick such boring books, because they have a little scrap of decency and don't want to ruin a good book. But then they often ruin good books too.
ohh those places have such strange names. Canberra. that one sounds extra australian, I think. and also I like the word Burleigh. it all sounds like an adventure! i might be talking nonsense though, I don't really
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