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Wenjun ZHU, 43 y.o.
Shanghai, China [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 59.
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2014
I would love to hear from you. My email address is [email protected] I use the name David King on it to keep people from sending me junk. David king refers to King David of the Old Testament. My real name is don cooper. It keeps my students from recognizing the email and sending me all kinds of stuff. don
inactive user
hello my lovely friend, where are you. you don't see in qq. not any message on my mobile. any problem. or you are so busy. i'm waiting to your letter...take care...god bless you
inactive user
For you my SMS:-
Habit of smiling can make your life happy...
It cost nothing and you lose nothing...
But the people who get it. gets everything...
Be happy...keep smiling always...
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2012
Hello Wendy

I am at the moment a stay at home mother, as it is very hard to find a job in my little town. My children are 4, 6, 12 and 14, so they are not that small anymore. It is not easy raising and taking care of 4 children :-)
Would you like to have a snail mail friend from Finland, Wendy?
Take care, Mia from Finland
inactive user
Compliments of the day to you.
I am grace by name I am single however how are you,hope you are fine I went through your profile and i read it and took interest in it,if you don't mind i will love to know you much better , please i will like you to send me a mail on my private email ([email protected]) included,so that i will tell you all you needs to know about me and a picture of myself.i do believe distance and co-lour will not be a barear between us,hoping to read from you,thanks and God bless .a
Best Regard,
please contact me now through my email address([email protected])


____000__________I LOVE__________000___
___000___________FRIEND__________ 000__
______000__________MY_________000_ ____
________000______HEART______000__ __
__________000 ____SAVE_____000____ _
____________000__ KISS__000______ ___
______________000 U 000_________ __
_________________I LOVE U___________ _
___________________ BYE__

Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2012
你好吗?我是来自马来西亚的思仪,像与你交个朋友。希望了解中国朋友的文化与生活,也借此机会收集中国的邮票,我5 岁的女儿非常喜欢集票,做母亲的只好赴汤蹈火了。
inactive user
today is republic day at here (26 Jan). so today all peoples are celebrating.well how's your health now.what are you doing nowadays...write & miss you my lovely friend...
inactive user
hello wenjun,how are you,i have written you.i'm sending a letter for you,when you received my letter. write me.ok.take care...god bless you
inactive user
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