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Geoff, 66 y.o.
Chester, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 11 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 32.
inactive user
thanks for viewing my wall. I think<?> we used to write?
inactive user
Your favourite quote us right. But simetimes ....
inactive user
"No scams or women looking for a way out of a poor country through marriage thank you"
So true! LOL
Reply - Conversation - Apr 4, 2017
Hi Geoff, you online right now?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2015
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I have not been on here in ages, and just turned it on and see it is your birthday today! So I hope you've had a great day. Are you on your holiday now? I'll be writing a proper letter soon. Holy cow have we ever had the rain in the past 24 hours. Driving in this morning I had to move over to the slow lane, just couldn't see a thing. I'm not sure I've ever driven in such a heavy downpour. My car is looking cleaner than it has in a long time though. Talk to you soon. Catherine
Reply - Conversation - Aug 23, 2014
hello just going 2 write this & see what happens? I see you haven't got a photo like me ether? I joined this site coz I wanted a penpal lol? funny if you've not got a photo you get no reply or is it just me, truth is I am new to this? I thought this site was to make friends 2 ave a natter & meet new people I might not ave the looks but ive got a gsoh plus im honest & always reply 2 a mgs whats wrong with all these people here or overseas its not like were going 2 meet its just a bit of fun like writing a letter/old school/ whats wrong in that? sorry Im not always like this, all I would like is a penpal ? hope you will write back 2 me I don't mean 2 go on &on&on&on phew got rid of that moaning so bye bye 4 now, prob not hear of you too, ha ha? I can also have a laugh. jue.
inactive user
happy new year Geoff emails are welcomed
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2012
Hi Geoff,
just want to say hello. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2012
Thanks for popping onto my page. You are funny! I like your sense of humor. Have a good day and be blessed...Merry Christmas. Take Care, Lauren2012.
inactive user
hi geoff thanks for viewing my profile emails are welcomed!
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