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DeVon, 37 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 173.
inactive user
hey~ long time see you~~ 아직 미국에 있나??
inactive user
Hi. How well can you speak all of those languages?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2007
tu fala portugues?????????

so curioso.....rsrsrs
inactive user
Hi again! I don\'t remember how I was when you wrote that last wall post, but today (yes, 18July 2007 at 17:10 pm lol) I\'m kind of tired... Uff, what a day! lol But, all considered, I\'m quite well actually! ;)
What about you?...
Reply - Conversation - Jul 18, 2007
Just practice hard everyday. and i had hair cut,
recently. too hot.. so are you in vacation now?
inactive user
Yeah actually there are too many to mention all about Swedish films, I recommend you should watch any works by Ingmar Bergman, or \"Show Me Love\", \"Alla vi barn I Bullerbyn\", \"Under Solen\", \"Sa Som I Himmelen\" and many many so. Swedish films are neither showy nor fresh so much, but nature is so beautiful, life is severe, they bring you delight in your heart, tears in your eyes :))
inactive user
I see, so you would have goood tastes in music as well as in movie I guess. Wow we really have similar tastes in movie haha. Actually I usually like British, French or Swedish films better than US\' like Hollywood\'s one. And I\'ve seen \'One flew over the cuckoo\'s nest\', \'Girl, interrupted\', \'Ray\' too!! I\'m kinda surprised we are really similar haha :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2007
hi~ 은혜 :)
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. :)
inactive user
Great! I\'m happy you liked it :D
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