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Thalli_dirago, 30 y.o.
São Paulo, Brazil [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 26.
inactive user
I didn't bother reading the book because... Well... I'm a manly man. Hahaha. However, the movie is sooo slow.. It frustrates me.

Mean girls is as close to a classic as a movie can get without being one. It's quotable!
Maybe but i would imagine i would have a much better experience and easier time if i spoke some Portuguese. Soo... You should teach me a bit.
I fell in love with Italy just from the pictures I saw.
inactive user
i can't believe i'm even talking about such girly shows with you! I have to admit, they're quite addictive if you follow it though. One girl movie i can't stand is.. The notebook.
Anyone would enjoy Brazil! There's a problem... I don't speak Portuguese. Taiwan?! That's pretty cool too. I might go to Italy next spring for a semester... I still not sure if that's still going to happen.
inactive user
i actually own a season of gossip girl on dvd... :/ but don't worry. It belongs to my sister hahaha. I'll watch the next episode! Hopefully, i won't be completely confused.
Brazil is high on my list of places to visit before i die. It seems like such a fun place to visit! My offer is only valid during the school year so you can do my homework. I'm happy with not doing much right now hahaha!
inactive user
Ola :P
Obrigado :)
inactive user
tell no one i watch the show! I actually missed the lasted episode so i can't tell you even if i wanted to. I spoil things for people sometimes. It's pretty nice here, i suppose but Brazil seems AWESOME!! Lets switch places :P Make sure you do my homework. Hahaha.
inactive user
i got really excited when i saw that you viewed by profile because i just viewed yours and i thought that it was just a coincidence but then i quickly realized that you can see when i view your profile and my excitement quickly died. Anyways, as girly as it is, i watch pretty little liars sometimes as well... There was a new episode tonight!
inactive user
Studying in Poland? Cool! But don't forget some warm clothes, Poland is really colder than Brazil :)
If you need somebody who can tell you something about Poland or teach a bit Polish, feel free to contact me :)
inactive user
I'm fine ^^
What about you?))
ohh, you are lucky that you have so cool cat :D
inactive user
Hello ^^
Unfortunately, no :c
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2011
Oh. Have a nice trip then:)
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