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Ian, 75 y.o.
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand [Current City]


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Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 143.
inactive user
hmmm now do u not like mulims?? to be honest islam is a religion of love and peace. origianally men respected women. Urdu is a beautiffull language and is spoken very politely. its just how its interpretted differently due to recent scenes. hating or not liking relgions is well...idk rethink the opinion its sad
inactive user
Where are you now? Rain? I guess you might be in England. Am I right? :P Oh I forgot to see my privet settings. I will after I finish replying wall posts. ^^
inactive user
ok, i will check my private setting. i dont think that i have done anything about private settings. XD thats weird. not alphabets? XD lol! Thank you. ^^ I will remember that. how r u today?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2008
ur welcome:D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2008
inactive user
ok. ^^ u can send me on PM too. but i would answer you later than a wall post. ^^ oh wow there are a few left. hahaha we have 44 alphabets. You might know that. ^^'' Kob kun Ka! Keep working on your thai. ^^ Oh I have something to ask you. What does "In addition" mean? XD I don't really get the point.
inactive user
I wish you would try your best to make your thai become better. Yes, it is.I am going to choose China, USA and Germany. At first, my parents seemed to support me to go studying abroad but later they don't let me go. I might put USA as my first place because there will be less chance for me to pass. If I pass but my parents can't let me go. I would feel really bad. hahaha However, I wanna try taking an interview. It will be a good experience? :P Oh I see. Kk ^^
inactive user
I don't think you're too old to pick up Thai. ^^ Um... well I could try my best to help you out. Well sure, we can also talk in PM. But I don't check that often. XD So what do you do? I mean what your job is? Well, I have passed a test to be AFS student on stage 1. But I have to go on an interview... What questions do you think that they will ask me? Hahaha
inactive user
that's what i mean. XD Sorry for my late reply. I have been really busy these days. My internet connection has been broken down. I think I will get it fixed soon. cool! so what do i have to do to make my english excellent? I will do my best to make your thai become excellent as well! so just ask my any questions. ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2008
I'm not sure actually...I think I must've just heard it from somewhere, but I think it's a great little motto
Where did you go to school?
How is Thailand at the moment? Hopefully not too hot ^^
Speak soon,
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