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Sushicookie, 33 y.o.
Davao, Philippines [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 321.
Reply - Conversation - May 6, 2011
kamusta ka??pwede ba mahingi cp# mo???
inactive user
I'm so sorry to reply late,,;;
because I have been busy~
So I couldn't be here~

how have you been??
inactive user
oh... how interesting.. hahahaha.
so do you eat the phil foods?? hahaha
inactive user
Sorry for late reply ^^
I'm fine...
How are you? :)
inactive user
What's your plan ?
inactive user
but you have aircon! hahaha.
i don't know.. it's hard to get out of the bed if you don't have your heater on here.. you always have to use your heater.. in the bathroom, in the kitchen, everywhere!!! it sucks!!! hahaha.
inactive user
yeah,,, maybe I will get headache if i were there~ hh
cheer up!!

hhh thank you thank you~
how was your day??
inactive user
school. kk

Is there any easter holiday ?
inactive user
oh~ are you on summer vacay?? hh
that is so nice~ hh
oh,, I know i know~ there is warm and hot almost of year right??

hh yeah~ basketball is good~ but,,
I couldn't do it sunday;;; I just did study,, T^T
inactive user
why do you need to do that? lol
YES!! what?? how can you be jealous.. haha.
it's so hard to take a shower cause i never want to get out of the shower!!! T_T
hahaha. whatever!! i bet your white as milk still lol!
yeah! why wouldn't i? haha. xD
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