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Superchigkz, 37 y.o.
Spokane, United States [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 21.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 15, 2010
I am sorry for the late reply! I have been so busy with work and school that i really haven't had time to do anything with the internet lately!!!

I did like Tokyo! I am making plans to go again in March! I am excited! I can't wait to see all of my friends from there! I really don't know of my specific interest in Japan, I am just really interested in the culture as a whole! It all seems pretty cool!
I want to travel to Hokkaido sometime! I just made two friends from Hokkaido!

Did you move to Spokane yet?!
inactive user
yes well when you have children they keep you very busy lol:P

yes having my own pool is awesome whatever day i want to go swimming i just go to my back yard and i can swim :)
awww does your daughter like swimming in her kids pool? :)

ohhh yes big pools are very fun, when Keira gets older then she can learn how to swim in a big pool :)

yes they are good resturants :)
lol welll food is big in america :P
no we dont have srimp burgers in our Mcdonalds. lol :) but we do have alot of other burgers in the Texas McDonalds :)
well the theater me and my mom go to is $7 per person so its not very expencive and at 9m at our theater its $9 per person. but i think in New York the theaters cost $18 per person :)

well i bought some manga recently at the book store :) the names of the mangas are shinobi life its quite a interesting manga its about this Ninja who is from the past and he gets sent the the future and he thinks this girl is a princess that he has to protect lol but she isnt a princess its quite funny :P i also got a manga called stepping on roses its very funny :P
i also got one called Fushigi Yugi and one called V.B. Rose :)

um my favorite manga thats a hard one since i love alot of mangas but i guess i would have to say stepping on roses :)
what is your favorite manga? :)
well i like mangas that are romance comedys there very funny :)
i havnt read any of the grotesque ones so i dont know if i would like them or not lol:P
awww no prob i usally always keep track of my favorite actors and how long they act lol:P

have you heard of the anime kaichou wa maid-sama? i have been watching it its a very good anime :)

do you know what you have never told me your name lol:P and i think i forgot to ask you your name when we first started talking to each other sorry :P
inactive user
ohhh thats is ok :)
im doing good i have been swimming in my swimming pool lately :) and today also we got a storm so the rain helped make it not soo hot outside :)

ohhh thats fine i know you have a little girl and husband to take care of :)
ohhh i love T.G.I friday its soo good there and Burger King :)
yes Mcdonalds is awesome :)
i wonder if the Mcdonalds in Japan looks like the Mcdonalds in america :)

ohhh yes i love watching Japanese anime and reading mangas they are soo intersting, in america we have comics which are sorta like mangas but there for boys and not made for girls to read cause it about superman and spiderman lol so i really like mangas cause most of them are about girls :)
and we dont have animes here so i like watching them also :)
aww thanks :)
it Japan a expencive place to live? :)

ohhh wow i dont own the movies but i would like to buy them sometime :)
yes i have liked taylor laugtner since he started acting at age 13 :)
and the first movie i saw with robert pattinson was the twilight movie :)
ohhh you will really like the new one its very good :)

does it cost alot to go to the theater in Japan? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 12, 2010
I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but I have been busy with school and work!!

The competition was awesome! My team did great! They all had a good time too!
There are a few Organic Markets, you just have to know where to look! Every Wednesday and Saturday there is a Farmers Market so you can buy local produce! I think that is a great idea! I know of at least one Asian Grocery store, there may be more but I am not sure!

Awesome! I have been to Tokyo once! I have a lot of friends over there because I help teach English to students from Seisen University... do you know of Seisen University? I would love to know more about Tokyo though! I am planning on going back to Tokyo for a week next summer! It should be fun! Where is Aomori located at?
inactive user
ohhh lol :)
do you have alot of american resturants in Japan? :)

awww yes exciting jobs are fun and another reason to have a exciting job is you will never get bored :)
awww yay :)
well what i mean is what is the country of Japan like? :) cause i dont know alot about Japan :)

yes i saw the new twilight movie it was very good :) me and my mom really liked it :)
i also watch the twilight movies because i like the actor that plays Jacob black the actors name is Taylor Laugtner i think he is soo cute :)
do you like the twilight movies? :)
inactive user
ohh no prob :)
did you go to a resturant? :)

ohhh wow that sounds like a cool job that your husband has :)
well when i was younger i didnt even want to go to college but when i got older i watched a show called CSI and being a CSI looks like a very exciting job :) i really like exciting jobs :P

awww thanks :)

so what is Japan like? :)
inactive user
ohhh your Birthday is today? :)
Happy Birthday :D
inactive user
ohhh what kind of jod does your husband have? :)
is it hard to get a Visa?
well im not going to college right now but i plan to in the future :) i want to major in criminology :)
right now im studying for my drivers permit :)
inactive user
ohhh :P

awww well maybe if you can move to washington you can watch fireworks for 4th of July i bet Keira would really like it :)

ohhh wow that must be fun :)

so are you still planning to move to the US? :)
inactive user
ohhh thats ok :)
aww 2 years old soo kawaii :)
did you learn English from school? :)

ohhh Independence day was very beautiful it didnt rain it was a beautiful day and i got to see awesome fireworks with my mom and dad :)
yes i had alot of fun except bigs kept on attacting me in the dark :P

do you have any holidays in Japan that has fireworks? :)
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