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Lu, 40 y.o.
El Paso, United States [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 484.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2019
Hello. How is weather in the EUA? Can you like the books, series, movies? Please correct my write.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2019
Hi. I would like learn english. Would you can help me?
inactive user
Hello, I'd like to talk to you if you want? Maybe we'll meet here? >>> (Copy the link in the browser). id on my website 3411034
inactive user
omg thanks. and hey!! how are you? how have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 12, 2016
Dear sternVa. I would like to be your pen pal. I hope that the racial difference or other religion does not become an obstacle to our fellowship. I'll look forward to hearing reply from you.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29, 2015
thank you
inactive user
Okay, so you saw Halestorm in the summer:) I love seeing bands close, though many people at the back push those who at the front so hard:P

Is it your first time in Japan? If so and you're going to stay here for just a week, maybe exploring around only the Tokyo area and maybe Yokohama would be better. Well, just my opinion though!

Thanks, I'm getting better. Oh are you okay too? Do you see the doctor sometimes?
inactive user
Hi Alex! Thanks for the wallpost:)
Wow, you've seen Halestorm too! When was that? I saw them just last week and I was happy to see them so close, in the second or third row! (well, I wish I could've seen them in the front row though)

And you're coming to Japan soon! For how long? I could show you around Nagoya, but maybe you aren't coming here. There's not much to see here.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2013
Happy late birthday
inactive user
booh....:) are you there?
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