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Stephanie, 30 y.o.
Wick, United Kingdom [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
inactive user
I am Achilles.
Nice to meet you!
How are you?
inactive user
im fine thanks.. you? x x
ive just seen some of your pic's your a stunnah hehe
hope ya single... :P
would love to get to know ya bbe if you wanted to?
Write Back.. x x

Love Jack. xx
inactive user
Hiya steph,
Omg how pretty are you!!!
im Jack from Burton on Trent *near derby

Would love to chat to you sn get to know yhu..
im 15 and single too. x
Please write back
Love Jack x

or add me on [email protected]
Reply - Conversation - Apr 10, 2009
inactive user
Join please :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2008
iiiiiya. (:
i'm still putting music on my ipod. I don't have enough! haha.
i've got likeeeee 7gb to use up yet. :P
we need to take more photos btw! you better be up early tomorrow. I really want to meet James now, haha. If you're not with me i'll cry and i'll tell billie that you're real lazy and you're probably still in your bed. and i'll make them come to your door with me and you're mum'll be like "oh, so you're stephanie's boyfriend?" .. hm, yeah. I think you should get up early, dear. (:
i'm boredddddd! i want to put paris hilton and all that cheesy stuff on my ipod but then james'll be like "oh, cool ipod. can i see what songs you got?" and it'll all be paris hilton, rick astley, michael jackson and all that. he'll drop my ipod and run away, lmao. nah, he probably likes take that! haha, i always seem to leave you real long comments on this. Atleast christina and all that can't lurk them. LOL, i just wrote christmas instead of christina. :) what you doing? i know you probably wont see this before tomorrow but you better be up early. Cause i really will take them to your house, haha. :D
Reply - Conversation - Sep 13, 2008
heyhey im good how about you ?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 3, 2008
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2008
LOL, 2 long comments in a row.
..You're just too special and I use all my sleeping time leaving you comments, haha.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 11, 2008
Stephanieeeeeeee! :D
Pure cheese... that was a tad random, haha. I wanted to leave you a comment and I just saw it above the box, hehe. ^^
I'm getting you to say that when you're back, seriously.. Or I'll just ask Sam to do it.. haha.
how can't you like your accent? I mean, I freeeaking love it! ^^ I'm also making you say "we're f*cked" haha. I like the way twin say it..... :)
ily xx
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