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Steph_folk, 59 y.o.
Versailles, France [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 24, 2011
bonsoir m.steph
je suis un prof. de fr. je vis en Egpte avec ma famille dans une provence s`appelle "kafr-el-cheikh " no "charme el cheikh " située au milieu entre le caire 145k/m et alex. 140 k/m.
☼☼☼☼ comment syllaber un mot ?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 29, 2011
hello my dear how are you doing there my name is buba i live in the gambia the smilling coast of africa looking for goodcand honest friend ships i have msn and skype if u are intrested on me plz can i have your msn or skype so that we can know more about each other?
inactive user
how are u?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2011
Bonjour, Steph!
Comment ca va?

Grand merci pour tes felicitations!))
je continue à étudier en français et
je sois sûre de moi et de mon succès,
mais c'est un peu difficile. ;))

inactive user
thanks for visiting my profile!!!
inactive user
hello there
thanks for your post in my wall
have a nice week :)
inactive user
G'day mate... I do not know how to speak French :)
I currently learn the Filippino martial arts..Escrima (sticks) a kid I watched kids doing katas etc and I grew to hate it... but in truth have no understanding of karate hence why I chose stick fighting.
Thanks for the comment mate :)
inactive user
hope you can teach me franch :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2011
I' m really new on inter pals, and if I had to be honest, I didn't understand how it works.

I would like to improve my English, French and German.

I' m an Italian teacher. I' ve married and we have two children: 9 and 4 years.

I home we can get in touch.

Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2011
I'm learning english and i can speak with you in french ...
see you soon
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