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Starshine1983, 41 y.o.
Turin, Italy [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 65.
inactive user
ciao ! I'd welcome exchange ....I'm new to Italy è necessario posso migliorare il mio italiano (?)
You seem to be very broad minded and intelligent from your profile. I especially like you because you are not naive or wreckless in social realtionships online.

I live in a mountain village and the people are so friendly. They are just like the characters in a Jean Giono novel or Marcel Pagnol film. They are Italian but oh so French as well. I want to grow old here and die. Unfortunately I am not gifted with languages. I hope to find friends who will help me. ~In exchange, I am a loyal friend and you need never fear hunger or homelessness again. Brendan
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2011
Come sta signora? spero che tutti e bene. Anch'io sono cattolico. Spero che possiamo parlare in italiano? ho bisogno di praticare la lingue!
Qual e il libro preferisco della Bibbia?
inactive user
you have a lovely profile...and I share your convictions (catholic, U2, seeking penpal, writing poetry). Would welcome your friendship.... have you ever listened to Evora Caesaria.. she sings in portuguese and is from Cape Verde....I think you would like her music if you haven't heard it (go to youtube). Merry Christmas
inactive user

Você ainda está procurando penpals? Gostaria de trocar castas comigo? Posso te ajudar com o português :)

Um abraço,

inactive user
Interesting profil... I am happy to meet somebody catholic here. If you like, feel free to drop me a line :).
inactive user
Haha amazing?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2009
Hi, how are you doing today?? Still looking for new friends? Please feel free to take a look at my profile and say hi! : )
inactive user
Hello :):) I love the Bible too! xxx
Reply - Conversation - Feb 8, 2009
Hey Starshine girl.. :p What's up ? What's the best news from Turin that you can tell me today ?
inactive user
ciao a te... Buon ultimo giorno dell'anno...
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