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Snow_and_bones, 33 y.o.
Catania, Italy [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 7, 2016
Non ho mai visto Avatar..quindi se la battuta sia pessima o meno non posso saperlo hahah
inactive user
Yeah, I believe it's by Robert Louis Stevenson.
inactive user
Yes i agree! and i havent seen world war z yet! dawn of the dead original one is also really good u must find it :D
inactive user
Its okey:) hmm i really like the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies. and of course zombie movies are awesome!
inactive user
Ahh i see....yea i guess it can be a pain. Im a worker :) I work with statistical business right now...boring stuff but i will advance to other things shortly!
inactive user
I see you and ur tough apprentice will make a menacing force! So studying to become a nurse huh? thats a noble choice. Life here? Its good, spring is approaching. We just had a cold and dark winter...but hey it makes you tougher each time you survive it! haha.
inactive user
So hows life in Italy? What do you do there? except trying to figure out ways and preparing for a Zombie apocalypse!?
inactive user
haha okay i see! hmm ill think of something clever soon enough. And yes writing in clear point, understood ma'am!
inactive user
Just trying to figure out on what to write on my page haha. Got any tips? :P Well watching TV with ur best friend is always nice :)
inactive user
Hey cool neighbor whats happening? :)
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