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Jessi, 37 y.o.
Bethesda, United States [Current City]

Looking for


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 15 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 147.
inactive user
heyy :) im pretty alright thanks, and you? thanks for the comment on my album. :)
Reply - Conversation - May 31, 2009
fine, and you?
inactive user
Hey thanks for the comment :)
You're right of course haha so we don't have to compete. I was kidding anyways and you are pretty awesome yourself! (I'm not lesbian but I sure say it's okay for friends to compliment other's beauty)

Have an awesome weekend!!

inactive user
I'm fine and you, whats happening this week there ?

Greetings Mug :)
inactive user
I'm fine too, whats going on in Bethesda?
I never heard about this city.
You write really much in your profile, its difficult to translate all for me :)
inactive user
Hey Jessi how are you?
if you want write me back, i would be glad.
inactive user
alright haha

im holdin :P
inactive user

awwh :(( im very sorry
that must be tough...but you'll get through this

yess i would LOVE to hear ur story...
story tell away!!!!
inactive user
no problem haha
it was just like i said ha like no other profile i have read seriouisly and im not being a kiss up but its just the mere truth
and you are completley right God does get us through everything

nice to meet you as well jessica :P im lizzie :D...ahh
sorry to b nosy but what do u mean with the RIP does it mean he..well u know passed away or u talkin about somethin else?

i sure hope so you know like i just want someone that will make me happy each and everyday when i find that story will begin :D
inactive user
wow girl...

W O W!!!!

just read ur profile and skimmed thru ur generation failure note
u...r deep!

andthe love got my attention cuz i can sort of relate to u
lovin someone you before you hav ever even met them
i wasnt lucky enought to meet em yet...but i wiill somday even if it is just as friends
but seriously

W O W!!!!!
that was like....amazing!!!! :DD
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