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윤미라, 35 y.o.
Gwangju, South Korea [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 19.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 5, 2010
Hi. How are you?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 27, 2008
hey its just that i have problems opening interpals so i have to use proxy before i can have access. how r u doing anyway?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2008
Yes, I must admit that I have a big interest of Korea ~
But I\'m glad though, it\'s a nice country. You\'re graduating soon? Cool, then you\'ll be in uni, (not really the best time ever, in my opinion, high school is much better haha ..).

What do people normally do on Lunar\'s New Year? Does it the same like the normal New Year?

Reply - Conversation - Feb 1, 2008
Usually,I just go to school .. spend my whole day\'s life at school =_=\", pretty boring yeah? My holiday is over T_T Or else, I\'ll be playing internet, looking for some friends just like this.

Yeah, I heard next week is Lunar\'s New Year? It\'s so nice, and you are still on winter holiday? That\'s even great ^^ How about you? What do you normally do? or perhaps you do anything special during your holiday?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2008
Haha,.. thanks for that, many people are using MSN, so I guess you\'ll make more friends in the future.

Don\'t worry, your English is good, you can write well. Just speak what you want to say, it\'s a good practice too^^ Tell me when you already make an account ~
Reply - Conversation - Jan 31, 2008
I see, .. MSN is good for chatting, replying over this thing can be a bit of hassle =_=\", but that\'s all right ~

I don\'t have lots of Korean friends, there are only few of them but since this penpal, I\'m getting more friends which I\'m glad for. And I\'m getting another one know, you :) How\'s your day been?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2008
Do you use any MSN, perhaps?
Reply - Conversation - Jan 30, 2008
Hi, nice to meet you ~

This is also my first time doing a pen pal. I\'m learning Korean and you do have good English actually, it\'s totally understandable ^^

Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2008
no, i dont, but i wanna know someday... over there seems to be so cool~ ;D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2008
hi how u doing \' thanx for checking me out
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