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Doris, 37 y.o.
Regensburg, Germany [Current City]

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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 36.
inactive user
hallo. was geht?
ich möchte nur einfach chatten. hast du ein mikrofon?
inactive user
look whoz back on interpals :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2007
so you think make a law master..,aren\'t you?..please say yes..i have a theory..don\'t refute my theory..
inactive user
Oh, thats fine Doris, we all get busy, I did kind of guess you were as well so yea, thats alright. How are your studies coming along for you? Yea, it is very different to school, but yea, its more fun too :)
Thats great that you got to get into the courses you wanted too :) My life is going alright, working all week so its the weekend now so just woke up (its 11:40 am) :p - gonna go get something to eat and laze around all day and just rest. Work went well this week too, so thats good, it was busy but in a good way :) Hope your week went well and that you\'re enjoying your weekend, what else have you been up to lately besides Uni etc? Watched any movies? - I saw \'The Kingdom\' last night, its a good movie :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2007
i have just got acquainted with certain person who live
in Germany...all of them were lawyer students are not lawyer, aren\'t you?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2007
What\'s with my name? Hmmm. I was listening to a Franz Ferdinand song ages ago.. :) AND yeah they were all like yatta yatta I am super-fantastich.. Plus..yesh.
inactive user
aww *hugs* - sorry to hear that you were so upset - I know, it isn\'t fun having good friends saying goodbye, hope you\'re feeling better though, and I\'m sure you\'d meet them again someday - And yea, sry it took me a while to reply, been busy with work and all. And I think I do understand by what you mean she was \'your kind of person\' :) I\'ve never been to Sydney, by the way, where your friend is going - but its a nice city I hear :) - Anyway, hows your day been so far?
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2007
hehe well i guess you are one of them too. :) btw the toasters are from new york, here\'s their myspace .
ahh well i wish we had a holiday though they can be boring, but school can be even more boring sometimes :) so what are you doing this weekend? hope to hear from you soon! =)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 4, 2007
what does it mean soccer? do you play foot?
inactive user
hm, I don\'t know why in my last post it left a ****** when I said not to be that hard 0n yourself Oo - hm, ok, well, nevermind, I know now, but anyway, don\'t think you\'re a less person, coz you\'re not a less person, you\'re cool :)
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