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Sirirat, 26 y.o.
Surat Thani, Thailand [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 16.
inactive user
อือเฮอะๆ -,.- เปิดเทอมแล้ว
inactive user
Haha thanks !!
You too, Fighting !
Okay, byebye^^
inactive user
oh I see haha
I feel the same ><
inactive user
Long time no talk..
I'm pretty good ! And you?
inactive user
อะแฮ่มๆ ><
inactive user
yes i like very much ><
that is nice too haha
inactive user
ah I see. here isn't any sea so i'm happy when i can swim in the sea haha
inactive user
Haha come here ;)
wow I don't like when it's very hot ><
Do you go to the sea?
inactive user
Here is okay^^
I like the weather now haha
inactive user
My memory is awful but I don't forget the people :D
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