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Amba, 34 y.o.
Wellington, New Zealand [Current City]


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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 117.
inactive user
Hi there,
how are you?
inactive user
woops wellingtonian...
inactive user
Hey hey fello wekkingtonian lol
Hows the music dream coming along?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 2, 2009
hey there
inactive user
Kia ORa,!
how are u? I use to live in NZ, im back in the uk atm, love nz loads! And the accent lol, hows things out there atm, i use to live on the south island;)
Take care, talk soon,
R xo
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2008
yuss, creative writing!!
good choice. :D

so.. how's it going in welly? :p
inactive user
Hi Amba. How is everything in New Zealand? I\'ve always wanted to visit NZ. What\'s it like?
inactive user
hey hey! how are you? I\'m Isabel
inactive user
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