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Kim Soomin, 28 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 80.
inactive user
Wohhhh! It's been a year you left here lol
Come back here girl! I'm waiting for you hahah
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2013
추석 잘 보내세요! 해피 추석 슈밍!!!! ♥♡♥
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2013
정말? I'm sorry to hear but I'm honestly sure someone better will come along on a white horse. Oh yes global warming is annoying. I hope by time I wish to travel the world more in depth, different climate zones still exist. In the UK our summer comes later and for a shorter time and Spring and Autumn are also getting shorter and Winter is the longest :(
Hahaha yes I shall. Yes I have a twitter and I followed you :) I am @chocolatejunkee and I tweet a lot >_< I can't help it twitter has been my addiction for 2 years even though I have had it for 3 years, the first year I didn't like it :)
inactive user
I'm back !!! hahahah
miss you ,too
let tell me whatever you want !
I cant wait !!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 9, 2013
Sounds like fun. Mmm I love barbecue food. I hope when I celebrate my birthday, it will be a sunny day and I can have an outdoor barbecue! :) My plans are to relax. I wanted to go to Spain but my parents wouldn't let me go with my older friends. I understand why, but for me it would be to gain language experience. I want to visit Korea! My friends are going next year in 봄 because they said it's prettier then because of the blossom and it is very hot in summer. But I still won't be an adult then so hopefully when I am a few years when I'm older. A story - An 언니 that I know her 남자친구 lives in Korea and they only see each other in person once a year. She is going to live there soon. However, the other day he surprised her and flew to London without her knowing. Romantic is it not? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 8, 2013
ㅎㅎ 고마워요 ^^ Oooh cool. Are you looking forward to them or do you have any plans for them? :)
inactive user
Hi! It really has been a long time! Done with school then?
I'm doing alright, actually preparing for final exams right now and hoping for summer break :)
How have you been?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2013
That's great!! 축하해요 ^^ I ate 비빔밥 my favourite and many yummy starters like 김밥와 튀김 :D I also bought 커피, 칠성사이다 and a stone bowl for my 언니 생일 ㅋㅋ I actually saw him. I told him I always come here and he never remembers me!! He remembers my friend though :( How long are your holidays if they have started? :-)
inactive user
Hi again :> So, you are after all exams?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2013
Hiya Shuming :D It's very odd that I was just going to write on your wall as I've finished my exams and returned to interpals but you wrote first haha :) well I have been alright. Exams were stressful =_= but I am happy they are finished. I am going to my favourite town tomorrow KOREA TOWN yaay! How are you and how have you bee? :)
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