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Klaudia, 32 y.o.
Kashiwa, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 96.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2018
inactive user
klaudia my precious friend!
at alst i found u back!
how ahve u been doiong??
inactive user
klaudia my friend!
how is it going?
inactive user
klaudia my friiend!
how u doing?
inactive user
thanks my dear!
u are so precious and pretty!
inactive user
from america, i wish u the happiest xmas to u and ur family.
and a very prosperous 2016!
inactive user
Hoe gaat het meisje? :)
inactive user
Stand by Me is another movie based on Stephen King's book. It is a great movie too and I recommend you watch it:)
Yes, I want to work in the USA someday. That's why I study English.
inactive user
Hi Klaudia! Thank you for your comment. Yes I know The Green Mile and I've watched it many times! I think Tom Hanks is one of the great actors in the world. I guess you like Stand by Me too, Am I right?
inactive user
"七転び八起き" is a good word:)
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