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Shay, 27 y.o.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 40.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2017
exactly! and whenever they say like that, they have to know it is really stupid thing like they don't have a brain at all
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2017
Thank you for your comment on my profile picture, actually I ignored him.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 12, 2017
I know , you are strong girl. just make a positive thinking.
do what you love , love what you do.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2017
shall we be friend?
inactive user
From "fall in love with a guy I never meet" to "her heart was broken ( sounds metaphorically), though it sad (literally to say), but welcome to unreal world.
inactive user
Be happy!:D Keep moving forward because if you don't, life will go on and you will stay the same... be careful!:P
inactive user
inactive user
Salam, sizding kozderingiz de oto chirayli eken :D azir orisda emne kilip jatasiz?)
inactive user
I understand you, I've been exactly through the same than you, every single word that you've said, same exactly with a russian girl, same exactly with a girl from Moscow. But yeah you're not alone girl, I know what it feels to cry for someone who didn't even see in real life, cry for a broken promise, cry for a future broken, cry for someone like you and me, but better things come, life gets better, there most be a rain before the rainbow, wait for it, we're young and we have so much to live, this is just the beginning of our lives, I hope you're finally over that experience and you're open to know more people, sometimes big things comes in small spaces. But don't worry too, everything that happens in our lives has a reason and an objective, they help us to become better persons and if we don't fail we will never get up, and that's what life is about, to always get up and enjoy every moment since there, but if we never fall down, how are we going to get up? Trust in my words, I know what I'm telling you, I've been through the same, not even so long ago; like I said, everything happens for a reason and that might be only the beginning of something great, all these experiences make us who we are, and from the mistakes we learn, from the pain we get stronger, from the dreams comes our goals, from the bads comes the goods, from the heart breaks comes the best people. Have a great day.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2016
Hi there ! i like your pics a lot ;)
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