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Richie, 33 y.o.
Quezon City, Philippines [Current City]
Manila, Philippines [Hometown]

Looking for



Bachelor's degree

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 714.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
hello. how are you? i am shola
inactive user
i just have kakaotalk
inactive user
no not really. i just watch them when its world cup season or other international matches
inactive user
not really, what about you?
inactive user
yes and it was near my house. but i watched it through TV. because its really crowded.
inactive user
im not sure but i wanna go there to meet my friends again^^
inactive user
Child Development Education. haha
im not sure but not now~!
inactive user
I'm taking English literature now. but when i was in Miriam, i took CDE . i have been to White beach before.
inactive user
i transfered to a college in korea. i wanted to but i was not sure what to do after my study in the philippines so i just came back to korea ~
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