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Richie Cunningham, 32 y.o.
Orlando, United States [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 421.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 16, 2012
espero que estés bien.
veo que estás aprendiendo español, si quieres yo te puedo ayudar.
inactive user
Pretty chill. Haha. Sang like there was tomorrow on Rock Band. What did you do? :)
inactive user
Hey! Thanks for checking out my page. Lol. How has your New Years been? :)
inactive user
haha yeaa, i guess we can all relate :P
inactive user
well, yesterday went pretty fine, today is going good too :) And yours?
inactive user
mmhm never heard of it
and im from new jersey actually,its pretty boring,but i guess all suburbs are lol
inactive user
yupp;; so how do you like pa? where do you live in pa?
inactive user
me toooo :)!
inactive user
nice to meet you richie :D
so are you a student?
inactive user
hows it goingg?
im sharon by the wayy :)
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