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Rizka, 30 y.o.
Jakarta, Indonesia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 129.
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2013
Apaan dah ca
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2013
Hey I just met ypu and this is crazy, so here's my number and call me maybe lol
Reply - Conversation - Mar 22, 2013
caaaa maap ya baru bales heuheuheu aku uda males banget main inian akhir2 ini :( :( :(
kamu apa kabar?? iya ni cepet banget. Bentar lagi aku uts huhuhuhu
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2012
iya udah selesaaaaaaaai hihi bahagia bangetttt. sekarang udah libur deh jadinya ampe pertengahan februari huwhuw~
iya gapapa. heheh kamu jurusan apa ca kuliahnya??
Reply - Conversation - Dec 4, 2012
iya nih, mulai tanggal 17 desember bsk udah uas :( kamu kapan??
haaa aku juga baik huhu tapi banyak makalah trs di revisi mulu :''(
inactive user
No matter. Also so sorry for my late reply, too.

I want to see Bali especially, yes. I'll visit one day. :)
Turkey has so beautiful beaches especially in southern and western Turkey. I don't like hot places so much. So, Istanbul is a paradise for seeing everything. :)

Ahh, very nice job. :)
Umm, It is going that I'll be a lawyer. Actually I want to be a public prosecutor much more. :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 26, 2012
Wah ya ampun ca kemana aja huhaoahahahahah udah lama ga keliatan? sibuk ya ca? heheh iya nih udah mulai kuliah kan terus bulan depan udah uas huhu kamu apa kabar ca?? :))
Reply - Conversation - Sep 8, 2012
eh aku lupa, aku enaknya manggil kamu apa ya? :o
haha iya nih aku baru pembukaan ospek jurusan kemaren sore huhu capay capay D:
temen kamu di ui jurusan apa? hahaha iya sama-sama ya :3
inactive user
Yes, I want to taste. I want to visit Indonesia so much, very nice country. I hope. ^^

Ahh, same. :) My major is law. Yours?
inactive user
Umm, it's like a gift box. :D very different but I want to test it! ^^
Ah, yes. I'm freshman, in 17th of this month, school'll start. :) You?
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