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Selena Icaer, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 211.
inactive user
wuah, congratulation!!! ^^
dont worry, u will be alright, im sure ; ) what are u studying now?

ive been great! in one week ill fly to japan for a whole year :D ill be an exchange student at musashi-university! hihi, i cant wait x3
Reply - Conversation - Aug 29, 2010
Thats not good! But just think when you're done you'll have a good education and a great career ahead of you!
inactive user
hmmmm okaaay :) i see (:
im interested in learning many languages too :)
inactive user
i remember talking to u!! ^-^
and its really nice to hear from u after a long time! and dont worry for not replying, its totally okay!
how are u doing? and how did ur entrance exams go? i hope u passed them : )
inactive user
im interested in korea cause korea is the best country in asia, there are soo nice, cute and friendly ppl, nice culture etc etc..
im trying to learn korean. korean and turkish grammers are very similar to eachother.
korea and turkey are brother countries cause of the korean war and 2002 world cup. (sure not just them)
there are lots of special thing about my country. dont u know anything about turkey ?
inactive user
yeaaa sure (: korea is an interesting country !!:)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2010
앗 안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ 엄청 오랜만이네요!
저도 요즘 인터팔 잘 안하다가 메일보고 오랜만에 들어왔네요 ㅎㅎ
음... 뭐랄까 요즘 많이 피곤하네요~ ㅋㅋ
안나님은 외고셨으니... 학교 잘가셨겠죠? -_-+ 잘은 모르지만 부러워요! ㅋㅋㅋ
잘 지내세요?
inactive user
ohh celllo!! wonderful !:D
i have always wanted to play cello or something like that :D
u have been to china , japan and australia but im sure korea is the best!:)
inactive user
my interests are drawing, painting, hanging out with my friends, talking to anybody, meeting new ppl from all over the world, chatting on the internet, listening to music, traveling and bla bla bla:)
and urs??
Reply - Conversation - Aug 18, 2010
haha that's ok. I've been busy too.
What are you taking in university?
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