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Rachel, 27 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
Hello! :)
inactive user
I can help you with french :D!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2013
Hi! I'm Kate. I also love photography and traveling. What is it like living in London? I've traveled there a couple of times and just love the city :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2013
i'm fine^^ and you?
what is you name?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 15, 2013
Hello :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2013
:O That's so cool! Texas just fascinates me, I think it's the coolest place to live! I wish I lived in the US :(
inactive user
I live in Texas!!! I wish I could go to the country to escape!! Or a forest!! But all we have in harlingen is palm trees xc
inactive user
That's so cool!! So what's it like living in London?
inactive user
What's it like playing the piano? I've always wanted to do that!
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