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S, 29 y.o.
Sydney, Australia [Current City & Hometown]


Looking for

Language practice


Bachelor's degree

Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 7 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 138.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25
I’d like to recommend a YouTube video about cinematography: “The King’s Speech- Breaking the Rules the Right Way”. I may not get as high as you do on cinematography, but I found this technique artful and fascinating. Cheers!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 29
I logged into InterPals after what felt like forever and couldn’t help but notice how much it’s changed- or maybe lost some of its spark. For the longest time, I refused to download the app, but curiosity finally got the better of me.

Does anyone here prefer the app over the website? Curious to hear your thoughts.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 16
Well, it’s December. Three months since my last visit. Here I am popping in uninvited. Hello there! I had to re-read my last posts to make sure I’m not repetitive. And, hot damn, they are So Witty! Alas, no reply from you, Object of My Interpals Interest. Sigh. I’ll be ok. Yearning and pining are old friends.

Before I take my leave for another bunch o’ months, here are some important world cinema films I implore you to watch if you haven’t already: Elling (Norway), Like Water for Chocolate (1992, Mexico) and Hable Con Ella (Spain). Cheers!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 8
Hi S., loved reading through your profile; I'm guessing you study economics? Great pics as well btw, would love to get a conversation going with you. When you have time, take a look at my profile and just sent me a message if you think we match:).

Warm greetings from Holland,

Reply - Conversation - Sep 9
Yo! Just visiting. Your profile is just as appealing as when I viewed it like, uh, 4 months ago. I’d like to refresh my invite to you: You are welcome to write to me about your mundane self or your impressions of any of the movies you listed, many of which, sigh, I find enchanting! If not, no worries. I’ll check back in a buncha months. Cheers!
inactive user
This profile screams narcissism.
Reply - Conversation - May 19
Woke up from a nap (does that make me sound old or feline?) to be notified that “S has viewed your profile.” Hmmm. I seem to remember an “S.” From Germany. Let’s check it out. So here I am. Ok. I was off by a continent, and an ocean. I’m delighted to have read your eloquent 1000-word essay, with impeccable punctuation and grammar (except for that one error), for the uh, let me see here, the 2nd time, yes. The 2nd time in 3 months!! This time though, rather than merely leave my most common compliment on your wall, I formally invite you to write back. If not, no worries. Cheers to you and your fantastic writing.
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2024
Well, how do I give a genuine compliment without going overboard? I’ll simply say “Bravo.”
Reply - Conversation - Feb 2, 2024
Half-way through. Here is you’re grammatical error. Ok? Now I’m back to reading the 2nd half.
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