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Grace, 35 y.o.
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 132.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 1, 2015
Hola q tal?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2015
Hey, I miss you too!
We havenĀ“t talked in ages!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2012
Hello there, my name is Darrell Williams.
inactive user
I loved the Tomb Raider trailer :) this year was the only year in the past five that I haven't watched E3 live, because of my college graduation ceremony -- such a bummer! ;) what does Salvidorian food taste like? I love Mexican as well; enchiladas are probably my favorite thing in the world.

My passion is adventure games and RPGs, but I like shooters and sports games from time to time. I'm a big Nintendo nerd... always have been, couldn't imagine not being. What games do you like to play? :)
inactive user
Oops again... *Wii U
inactive user
I definitely share all of those interests (except maybe math, although I love numbers -- call me crazy) -- and I live on and island too! I call myself a polymath because it's the only thing I know myself to be for sure, other than human... and even that's questionable sometimes, haha.

As for French food, their cheeses and patisseries first and foremost are to die for. Coq au vin, cassoulet, various confits are so good, especially in colder weather. And aioli... I put it on everything, haha. For a fan of red wine and cheese, France and French cuisine cannot be passed up.

I must admit, I'm really looking forward to the Wii release this November... when the Wii came out a friend and I did the whole camping out thing. I might do it again. You know, to renew my nerd status. ;)
inactive user
Oops... *what about yourself!
inactive user
Lots! Listen to music, walk in the woods, cook with friends, go on wilderness adventures, read fantasy novels, discuss philosophy, write poetry, play video games... research the origins of words... :) why about yourself?
inactive user
The one in my photo is a double ocarina, which mean it has two chambers -- I'd say it's difficult to play for sure. It's taken me a while to learn! A single chamber one (like the OoT replica) would be a great start. :)
inactive user
Being called the same name of the Hero of Time is alright by me :) thanks for the photo comment!
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