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Jayna, 33 y.o.
Ocean Shores, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 92.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 14, 2011
Hello. How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 13, 2011
Haha nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess!...At least, I think that saying fits here. :)
Hi, I'm Sam. :) What's your favorite Evanescence song?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 24, 2010
haha... well i'm later x]. lol it happens all the time, i guess thats what the wall to wall is for xD
yeah!! =D i think i should do that too.. it makes you want to go on more to see if people notice XD lol

wow! that sounds like a very detailed plan x] it's good to have that, i hope you're able to stick to it if it's what you want to do with your life..
i've changed my life plan like a billion times, i always expect certain things are going to happen and when they don't my plan fails and then i change my mind and then i get confused lol.. my plans are way too impulsive haha x]
but teaching people overseas is good =D, i wanna do that when i go to bangkok next year.. but i don't think i will. at least not for money lol coz it costs sooooo much to keep a work permit. like a thousand dollars a month o.O shocking lol XD
vietnam sounds cool, and so sad =[ such a poor country.. unbelievable that its surrounded by the most populous and rich capitals in asia lol x] like bangkok and china and hongkong..
ooh a job ^_^ that sounds like a good job lol x]

yeah i've finished high school .. finally =] ah yeah college sounds awesome.. ahh yes.. studying abroad is made to be difficult lol x] that's why i'm just gonna go and live overseas lol XD live my last teenage years in bangkok =D i'm sure it wont be what i'm expecting though.. whether it's gonna be better or worse who knows . hope it's better =] lol
so is college like university? or is it before unversity? lol it always confuses me that =]

yeah. ^_^ i replied x] heheh
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2010
Is American dentistry of level high?
Are there many dentistry in America?

There are many dentistry in Japan.So It is competitive.

What kind of dentist and teacher do you want to become?

I`m good.but now I have test...So I have
What about you?

Me too.I want to know more about your self(^-^)

What do you have hobby?
inactive user
hahaha yea they are the shizznet!!! lol

well its soooo good right now, summers just come in, i graduated my class at polytech and i've done everything i needed to do before i can relax and stuff hahaha so my beach and x box summer holidays begin =]

how about over there?
inactive user
hahaha its fine =] i havent been on here in a while either so =]

hahaha thanks um its by the kaiser chiefs its called loves not a competition =] its an amazing song i also like paramore's version aswel.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2010
Hi Jayna!! Nice to meet you(^-^)
Wow!!You want to become a dental hygienist!?
That is cool and We are the same trade person!!!lol
Let`s become friend!! Please tell me about your country of dentisty!!!
inactive user
Thank you ~ The one with butterflies I have made by myself :3 But the pink I bought from a friend, soon I will buy and sew more X3 I love to sew Lolita things :3 tehehe

Haha, that's different things to like X333 But it's good that you like much things, that can make you happy ^^
Ooooh, so cute, we have had kittens this summer and some days ago we sold one of them, so now we only have one left that we will keep :3

I will paint my shelves yellow or lilac and put more cute pics at my wall, I will slao put more ribbons and sweet things in my room X33333 I have a picture in my head, but it's hard to describe, haha XDD

Thank you :333
Oh, yes I love to draw ( O w O ) Especially sweet cute things, like own "Sanrio Characters" X333
Oh, I also play the piano :3 ahaha and learning japanese (and korean) yes, it's like an hobby X3
Ooooh, so fun to live near a beach :3 Oh, you go to college, what are you studying? :D

OOoooooh, a daycare, yes children are so cute!!! But I worked at a kindergarden, and I felt tired after the first day, hahaha XD
Oh, no, that's sad, It's so fun to take care of children :3
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2010
Oh thanks ^^

oh I see ^^ You have a good project. Will you receive a drum for christmas ? ^^
And btw, What will you receive for christmas aniway ?

Okay =D
Valentine is my favorite too ^^
A big figurine ?
Yes good movie =)
do you like it?

(How are you today ? xD)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 7, 2010
ok xD Yes, we have a lot of things to learn =) (sorry but my english is not very good, but I work a lot for ameliorated this ^^")
Drums is very cool ^^ I'm bassist too xD (I play a lot of instruments ^^")
Learn drums is difficult ^^" I prefers learning guitar xD
But I love playing drums =D

okay ^^ I'll buy Fable 2 =)
ok ^^ FF 13 is very cool, but my favorite is FF 7 ^^
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