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Peter, 30 y.o.
Måløv, Denmark [Current City]

Looking for



Bachelor's degree
IT security



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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
Aww Danes are so sweet!
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2018
Reply - Conversation - Jun 16, 2017
I am a Christian, I've been raised Christian but never did anything with religion until I went to Taizé with my high school when I was 17. From that moment on I started believing more and more. So now I can really say that I am Christian and be proud at it ^^

But Taizé is more than only religion, it's also all the youth that come together there, the open minded and kind people you meet. And the peace that is there, I find rest within my head just by going to those prayers and gardens.

I would do a course of 6 months called : Social Work in a local and global context and continuation.
So about how to involve different visions from all over in social work. :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2017
I am fond of Taizé, you should go there someday. especially since you say you're religious. I've went to Taizé for my first time in 2013 and here we are, in 2017 and I am still in love with that place that feels like my second home.

And I am fond of Sweden I guess, lovely country. Applied for a study in Malmö for the fall, that's close to your lovely country :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 14, 2017
Hej hej,
Sorry but all ready learning Swedish :/
Have you ever heard off/ been to Taizé (fr)?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 17, 2016
huhh i dont know what to say haha in ur comment wall ^6 ^ just hahhave a nice day huh i need to reply ur mail haah
inactive user
Thats awesome!!
aww unfortunately, I dont think that movie will be released in Korea. I cant find it from upcoming movie list.
What else have u seen u thought interesting?
inactive user
Ohh I can feel u
I have so many projects going on as well...
What is it about?
And sorry never heard of that
inactive user
Heyy Hows it going?
Im Hyesu.
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