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Matt, 36 y.o.
Joensuu, Finland [Current City]

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Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 42.
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2014
Wow really what series was it?? Hahah, it's good that it seems like you liked it enough to have watched more than 30 episodes lol. What an awesome life you lead, travelling everywhere. Why were you supposed to come here?

Not really a big switch. My degree was BS Biology, and that's a very standard premed course haha. But we got our feet wet in ecology and did try some of the things you do.. surveyed places, measured things, counted grass etc. It was a fun time lol
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2014
Hey there, thanks for the visit! Nice profile. Looks like you've been around a lot. I was particularly keen on your work on conservation. I had a semester of introductory Ecology in college, and I liked it haha. Take care now
inactive user
hey!! muchas gracias por la visita!! ^^ saludos desde Chile :)
mi nombre es Gonzalo, Mucho gusto
Reply - Conversation - Jan 10, 2014
sure - feel free to ask me anything :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 27, 2013
Hi, thank you for the visit
inactive user
no I actually don't know it, but I will check it out, thanks!
Belarus is pretty authoritative so people know what better to do or not ;)
people in general are very disciplinated, maybe it is also because they are the most homogenous country in Europe!
inactive user
great choice :) It's called International Area Studies and is based at Geo-sience. I have a lot of freedom in choosing modules. So I am focusing on sustainability, ecology, agriculture, geography... but I maybe will change course to do more ecology and landscape planing, not sure yet! I am jealous for your job, well done ;)
Minsk is indeed different, I liked it though it's pretty quite there. Compared to other East European cities it's clean, less corruption and criminality!
inactive user
yea it seems so ;) thank you for writing!
I attended two summer schools in western Ukraine and in Minsk and Brest!
inactive user
no worries ^^ the important thing is to answer, not to answer immediately :) do you have any plan for holidays?

amazing! yes, that's what I want: working in many amazing places :) (and of course, going on holidays, too :P)
interesting :) yes, you know, practically more than the half of the present argentinian population is made out of immigrants, so yes. more of them were Italian and Spanish, but many ethnicities from Europe came here. unfortunately nowadays it's a little bit old, and there's little from their cultures. (not completely lost, but not too present).

oh so niiice! I don't want to die without seeing the aurora borealis! the northern lights! hmm I think that Ushuia isn't that southern : / I mean, it's less than 60° south.
hahah how's to live without seeing the Sun? :o
did many tourist go there?
yes :) I think it's pretty interesting geography, topography :) not a true 'passion' but defintely interesting, and if I can make a living of it, it will be ok :) haha

hmm let me think, 'cause I don't like many present artists from my country. I'll pass you some:
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