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Paul, 34 y.o.
Richmond, Canada [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 95.
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2013
You sing very well (y)
inactive user
inactive user
ohhhhhhh I loooveeee ur voicee :) cuute :)
inactive user
your welcome :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2012
I do defend myself. > o<;;
They just always find something to tease me about.

LOL! If I'm going to called Ed, I shall call you Paulina!

If you are bored, why don't you...have a slumber party, watch the telly, reverse death. do laundry, play some b-ball with your buds, text your friends or... make a potion to make candy talk!
Yes, talking candy. HOW MARVELOUS!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2012
LOL! I'm an easy target to getting picked on. ==;
I would not mind being called Ed? - 3 -

I see that you are so bored that your mind has slipped and
spelled the word wrong.
That happened to me earlier. I spelled whole as hole. HAR!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2012
I'm Sharron. I don't like my name. Doesn't suit me very well? Plus
My friends make fun of me. They talk like Ozzy and ask me where are the dogs. Of course, as I am, I reply that I took them to the salon in a English accent.

Like I said, small frame = small stomach?

I like Ed Sheeran because his last name is almost simlilar to me first name. Hohoho!

I'm glad I made your day, Paul! EMBRACE WHAT YOU GOT HOMEY!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2012
It's even okay for you to call me dude! I'm an open-minded person.

I was eating pumkin pie poptarts while I saw studying.IT'S SO GOOOOOOODDD!! I get full easily. FAIL FOR A FOODIE LIKE ME.

You should do like.... a cover of..... pppppfftttttt........ A-Team by Ed Sheeran? I dunno. Spread your angelic voice to the world. The world!
inactive user
LOL yeah, that's the best XD

LOL i know, if i seen someone dressed like that i'd laugh lol
inactive user
well I am really short hahaha so yeah i'd be chopper! :P buy a hat and reindeer horns lmao
but that's just if i had to pick a character from one piece

hahaha yeah, then you'd have to walk around in a speedo LOL
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