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Pangmiie, 30 y.o.
Prachin Buri, Thailand [Current City]

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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 155.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 11, 2014
hello, pangmiie :)
how r u?
inactive user
Oh, poor dongsaeng:( ive been great. My summer vacation just started so i have much time to sleep and take a rest! When u can be on vacation???:(
inactive user
Oh, that's sad :( anyway take care !
Tomorrow i have a final exam. But i really dont study! I watched an english drama today and its already evening here. Soooo hate finals!:-/
inactive user
Ooooh, 자&모!:) I think they are pretty tricky for you guys to remember. Especially when they combine together =) I hope you get a great grade on the small test:-D!
In Korea, these days, it's pretty hot! Finally summer almost came:D
inactive user
I got it. You're a freshman so it's natural to have many activities. Last year I also did them and felt soooo tired even though they are much fun :D I miss you too dongsaeng <3 Anyway, if you have any difficulties with your study, just ask me :) It's about Korea so I might help you haha
inactive user
Dongsaeng! Do you have FB?:-D
inactive user
Omg really? How's your university life? Is university far from ur home? So u live in dorm?:-(
inactive user
WoW! WoW! Congratulations dongsaeng<3 You're so awesome haha:-D!! These days, I'm really tired..:-( I have tons of assignment and programs and activities I have to do. So I'm very stressed out have a headache:-( So tired. Even though it's Saturday but I'm preparing for going to school!!!!!!!
inactive user
so sorry for my super late reply!!:(
how was your results??:D
inactive user
Thank you! These days I have tons of homework:/ and I'm preparing for a presentation about China history of Song dynasty. It is killing me now lol.
Oh, I hope that you are accepted by all universities you applied for !!!!:-) crossed fingers for you, Dongsaeng!:-) When the results come out?
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