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M, 32 y.o.


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Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
Thank you Marek
Reply - Conversation - Nov 13, 2014
Yes, but still - it is nice to believe he checked the game and enjoyed it :D
hmm... I guess you don't really like the Check president, huh?
To be honest, I''m not sure if I still like to play video games, i think I'm too old now :D
But back in times I really enjoyed them, I used to play Need for Speed, Fifa (I was even better than my bf!), Assasin's Creed (omg, I loved this game, I may check the new one, it is getting out like now), Portal... As you can see, I didn't have one favourite genre :D
But wait, there is still one game I play from time to time - Quake III arena! :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2014
Yes, I go to fitness club cople times in week :) Sometimes I like swimming else.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 12, 2014
I really hate cold weather as well very hote one >_< I love spring- not very cold and not very hot :) I havent special plans, just going to fitness-club ^^
Reply - Conversation - Nov 11, 2014
I understand you! I also was ill on last week (because the weather get really colder) but now I feelung better :) I hope you will better too soon! And good luck in school :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2014
Hello! How yours day?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 8, 2014
Oh, ok then, I missunderstod you ;)
Yes, it was a gift for him. As a Pole I want to believe he has played it... But I really doubt it, he has no time for things like that, too busy being a president.
... but whi knows? Maybe he plays video games at nights! ;)
inactive user
A proč chtělbys se učit polštiny? Musim řict, že malo Čechů ma o ní zájem.
inactive user
Hlavně pokračuju na vlastní pěst. Od února do července była jsem v Praze jako Erasmak a díky tomu mám základy češtiny.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2014
I guess you really liked the book then! But it is a really long journey before you will understand 'Wiedźmin' - it is written in specific language, a lot of old words and facts... Still, I wish you luck :)
Yes, I've been playing it, but I'm not a huge fan of RPG's, so I haven't finished it :C
But if you like such games, you should totally check it out - it is developed in Poland (I'm so proud) and even Obama has a copy :D
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