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Ola, 32 y.o.
Gdańsk, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 339.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 10, 2015
fine fine:) yes.. my spanish is horrible now..:D how are you? how takes your summer? :)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 19, 2015
Heiii Ola!
Sorryy I just realized I forgot to reply to your last message.
So cool that you are an Au Pair! How is it like? :) I have been thinking about that too but never got a chance to do it.

I'm listened to your advise. I got a job from a coffee shop. I will start next month. I'm excited! It's a part tume job though since I have to study as well.
For the summer my only plan is to work and travel a bit. Dont know where though. What are you planning for summer?
inactive user
Hi! I'm fine, thanks for asking! I just started my practice today on a health center! How you've been? :)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 25, 2015
Hi Ola!
I know its been a verrrrry long time since you wrote to me haha but unfortunately I was off Interpals and never received any messages.

You have excellent music taste too :D Hopefully you've been to some concerts since your message, I have.

I am heading to Poland next week so was wondering if you would be interested in helping me with some basic phrases so I don't get lost while I'm there?

Thanks! - Sarah.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2015
hey Ola =)

thanks for writing me back!^^ yes, I am patient and self-criticial -.- ... but it depends on the situation! :p
I absolutely agree with you that NYC is the most breath-taking city! so much people, lights, cultures, languages and so much more in just one place <3 I love the diversity there ... there's no other place like NYC ... you have green spaces (Central Park), beaches (Coney Island), skyscrapers, winter and summer etc. <3
oh that's the reason :D ... do you like your guest family and do they treat you good! ^^
I was in NYC in summer 2013 and it's been the best travel trip ever so far and I can't wait to come back again! maybe next year but I would also love to see California <3 <3 ... so how long will you stay there and any places in the USA you wanna see before you leave?
all my pictures you can see here are taken by my Samsung Galaxy, Ipod, Nikon coolpix and they are very old pictures!!! if you wanna see some current pics, you have to go to my instagram which you've already found xD btw, your pics are awesome sauce (Y) you have a good eye for photography ^^
currently, I'm using a Canon EOS 70D but I'm still an absolute beginner and due to my final exams right now I can't practice but during my vacation I'll defo use it!!!
and so great you live those bands as well!!! I'm not a very big fan of the mentioned bands... I like One Republic and Maroon5 more xD
hope to hear from you soon^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 23, 2015
hey Ola =)

thanks for stopping by my profile and have left a comment!^^how are you? I read your profile and you seem to be a very happy and nice girl =) you live close to NYC, one of the best cities in the world <3 by the way, why did you move to the USA?

I hope to hear from you soon^^
Reply - Conversation - Jan 18, 2015

Wow that's so nice. Are you studying there? Have fun! :)
I'm not sure if my studies are a good fit for me but so far it's been okay. I miss traveling!! :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 22, 2014
hola Ola:) como estas?
te acuerdas de mi? :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2014
Heyyy Ola! So nice to hear from you :)
How are things with you? Are you in the US? :)
I have been traveling and recently started uni.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 18, 2013
Hey!! :)

I'm back to Europe now. So greetings from Sicily!
How have you been? I'm sorry it takes so long to hear from me.

Guess what for sone reason I can't use my interrail pass in Poland. :( I really want to go there but I don't know how expensive it is to get seperate tickets from Hungary or Germany to Poland. :/

How was Dublin? I'd love to go there someday. :)
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