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Sang hee Na, 32 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]



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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 197.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 12, 2009
hey sang hee na....i think i spell it right....
Reply - Conversation - Aug 14, 2009
heloooo ~ ^^
i miss u too!!!
how's ur life???
i am so busy too...lately i have been sick.. >.<

um... take care k!
hope to hear from u again soon! ^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 4, 2009
I wanna go to ITB! Institut Teknologi Bandung... Maybe in english, it'll be Bandung Technology Institute.. (?Idk)

how about you? Is your mom still banning you to online? kkkkk;)
inactive user
my job..well its not boring..but its exgausted..haha...& i still cant get used on getting up 6am..:S...i haaate that...
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2009's alright... I was bored so I decided to write a message to you...
So how was the examination? I hope it goes alright...
Well, I'm doing alright...My summer is so boring...I only have this month and about a half or so until school starts again...
[sigh] ...............
By the way, you can call me Yeng (that's my name). I don't think I told you that when we greeted each other...but yea.

well, thanks for replying.

inactive user
haha...thats nice..:D well thanks ...(:..
so what r u doing these days...
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2009
hi! it's okay!
I'm fine! Very fine! Nowadays, I'm barely online too.. I was busy.. But today, I start my holiday time! I just finished my university test.. and hopefully, the result will be great..
how 'bout you? have any holiday?
inactive user
yep loong time..xD...yep of course i remember u..:D...whats up..
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2009
hey how have you been lately?
inactive user
Hi! How are you doing these fine days?

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