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PopPy, 36 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 114.
inactive user

How you been doing? I haven't heard any response back.^_^
inactive user
Swaddee ka^_^

My name is Lisa,

What are ur like and dislikes? do we have anything common?^^
inactive user
I am wonderful.
I know it has been.

That is good hear. I want to go UK. Just to visit is all. Maybe take pictures. I got into photography now. :D
I graduated from high school and now in school for cosmetology. I am so excited. I have learned so much with in the month I have been there. Though after I am done with that I am going for photography. I have some pictures that I have taken on my facebook. :D
inactive user
inactive user
Nice to meet you ~~~

How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2010
Kkkk~ Nice to meet you Pop~^^
I'm doing pretttyyyy good~

Tarzan is cool~ hehehe but out of the classics i think Beauty and the Beast is the bestttt!!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 19, 2010
Hi Pop. Nice to meet you. My name is Vickie. :)
inactive user
hehe dont worry for the late reply
i understand^^
how r u?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 9, 2010
You looks like so Korean!

how have you been?
inactive user
i wanna to thank u for ur visit on my profile^^
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