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Noinha, 29 y.o.
Bangkok, Thailand [Current City]


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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 158.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 1, 2017
I miss you so much ^^ so sorry for late reply
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2016
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2016
Feliz cumpleaños!!!!
Espero que sigas disfrutando y haciendo lo que más te guste!!

Te deseo lo mejor!
Reply - Conversation - Jun 27, 2016
I miss you so much, too. We didn't talk for a long time.
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - May 10, 2016
I'm really sorry because I didn't notice that I actually didn't reply you! Yes, I'm just tooooooooooooooo silly.

Yes, I have known a lot of people who said that the coffee in their countries is quite expensive and for instance, here are some places when you can find expensive coffe, when they treat me to those kind of places I'm always saying but IS REALLY EXPENSIVE, and they just start to laugh and say : You should go to my country and see that this coffee is even cheaper than our.

I'm not really sure about my ability to eat spicy food, as here in Colombia we're not exactly use to it!!! But of course I have to try Thailand's food while I'm crying with my red mouth LOL and of course when I go to Thailand I can't leave without eat your food!!! like neveeeer! Those are the things that people shouldn't do when they travel~ The food is the country's culture!

BUGS...omg! I can't even imagine that! maybe I could try some of them if before eat them I don't know what they exactly are! You know...

Hope you're really well~~ sorry again! >.<
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2016
****o~~ Nice to meet you Nina :)
I also like rock musichaha

Yes, true! Here the coffee is really good and not expensive! I've known people who says that in their countries a coffee is really expensive haha

We also have a loooooot of fruits!
How's Thailand's food? someday, when I go to Thaliand I'm going to try eat loooooot!
Do you eat bugs??
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2015
Sure.. Nice to meet you Noinha. I'm Zohar
Reply - Conversation - Jul 23, 2015
ดีค่าาา :)))
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2015
for 4 years.
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