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Nick341, 30 y.o.
New York City, United States [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 328.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 22, 2012
Hey man do you have Facebook? Since I rarely use Interpals now.. I could still be in touch with you thanks
Reply - Conversation - Jul 20, 2012
thank you
Reply - Conversation - Jul 7, 2012
Thanks! :D
Reply - Conversation - Jun 7, 2012
Y'know, many Korean senior citizens do have negative views about colored people....... and so do the mid-aged businessmen(well, some of them still do)....

but the teens and the 20s peeps.... we like to call you guys "Black Bros"

yeah, it WAS used with sarcasm at first, like "oh, the black bros are so awesome, uh huh, sure..."

but now, it's like "OMG the black bros are so awesome :-D"

There even used to be a meme series called "the superiority of black bros"
Reply - Conversation - May 30, 2012
Mr Khil knew that Trololo was famous as a joke on the internet but he still appreciates his new fame pretty much.. He even knew that he was featured on that Family Guy episode XD Too bad hes in a serious coma now.. Its likely that he would die but who knows... One guy said his grandpa survived several cases of comas and heart attacks....
inactive user
Ah oui, j'ai compris que le pompier enfreint les lois en lisant les livres (parce qu'ils sont censurés?)
Mais sa femme est bizarre, non? :o
inactive user
Quand tu auras fini*

Oui, on verra :D
Mais l'histoire est assez bizarre! Je ne suis même pas sûre d'avoir compris :o
inactive user
Un excellent livre, oui :)

Quand j'aurai le temps, je continuerai alors :D
inactive user
:o J'ai lu Fahrenheit 451! Mais je ne l'ai pas fini haha :)
Reply - Conversation - May 26, 2012
I gotta admit that Sheamus looks sooo cool with his trademark hat :-) but when he takes it off and forgets to spike his hair....

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