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Nettyen, 35 y.o.
Askøy, Norway [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
inactive user
I have... too much to do. But I'm just going to pace myself. I have some new books I need to study to help me with web design scripts, software, and for my design class. Lots of fun! And that's not counting the languages, haha. But I will take time to play a game so that I won't burn out.
inactive user
I'm good. I'm so tired today, though. My sleeping pattern isn't the best. You?
inactive user
You're learning Korean also, that is cool. I'm learning Korean and Norwegian. ^^
inactive user
hi what about friendship
inactive user
Hello !! how are you?
these days i have to stay at home to help my father. he came back from hospital and cannot do a lot of thing by himself, but yesterday i had to go to the optician for a check up and unfortunately there was another i had to stay in paris all day. i went to the theatre and then to the restaurant alone, it was not really funny and then i met one of my friend.
any plan for the weekend?
inactive user
oh really? :D
i'd like to get new clothes !
inactive user
awww :O nice :)
i went shopping too ! i got a new shoes :D
inactive user
hehe how are you doing ? :)
inactive user
thank you, netty :D
inactive user
haha the rain stopped !
it was abit warm today ! haha my eyes hurt :/
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