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Elaine , 36 y.o.
Raleigh, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 157.
inactive user
Think u love korean online games as well. Since it's the only thing they make good. Well, most of the time... )
Reply - Conversation - May 29, 2014
Hello Elaine ! Long time gone. Think probably you don't remember me. To be honest, I don't, either. Haha. Sounds crazy. I am Ji. Just wanted to say Hi to you cause we added each other as friends on this site a few years ago. I am back to this site.
How you been ?
inactive user
Oh no! Maybe turning to J Drama will help? hahah

I haven't watched K Drama in a long while. I used to be addicted to them too! So I haven't seen Running Man yet >_< I only watch the comedy ones. I can't handle the sad dramas ;(

Have you seen 'Soulmate' or 'Full House'? Pretty old dramas but it's some of my favorites ^^ I could watch them again lol
inactive user
Hey there!

I see someone likes to watch some K Drama hm? =)
inactive user
HAHAHAHAHAH yes i the hell mad ><
inactive user
you ruinded it T^T
inactive user
hahaha it is secret ! :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2012
Long time no see!
I after a long interval get on the internet also interpals.
Do you remember me? Actually i worry about if you can't remember me but if my concern come true, I don't disappointment Because I want to remake friendship with you :) isn't it? well I expect to receive your messege again.
Anyway now my feeling is fresh..^^
Reply - Conversation - Jul 28, 2012
Hahah, thanks for the compliment. You're really pretty. (;
inactive user
it was like taking candy from a baby!
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