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Joel, 32 y.o.
Conshohocken, United States [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 172.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2008
Me too thats why i got mad when they canceled it but its ok cuz they just postponed it til Dec. 8th. yay!! It was so funny though, cuz here me and my friend are, wandering the streets of chicago ... freakin high or something. I'm going to put it on youtube. haha
inactive user
ooooo we didn't have any seats we had to stand the whole time :[
inactive user
hahahahahahahaha oh my god.
thats hilarious. my mom probably would've dragged me out the place if she was around any of that. this one guy was soo drunk oh geez..
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2008
Not a fan of cobain? Yeah me neither. haha good music choices :P Im going to see smashing pumpkins
inactive user
Oh my gosh. It was great!
Although I got pushed into the mosh pit i got kicked in the shin and my knee and i was knocked down but some guy like picked me up and saved me hahaha. i was so shocked I thought i was still standing up when i was on the ground. it was insane.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2008
2:15am. And I have school tomorrow. Im such a rebel haha
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2008
Ah yes, We have a little snow here too, Just a light falling, not even sticking. Gets quite bad sometimes. I <3 snow though :D What time is it where you are?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 20, 2008
Hey, nm, nm, u?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 19, 2008
Haha, Guitar Center is awesomeee.

Well I sing as well as play the guitar, then I have another friend, Tori, who plays the guitar, too...
Then there is my friend Sarah who plays Keyboard. :D
And if things went really well then my friend Aliya would join us in forming a band, because she has AN AMAZZING voice. Much better than mine! :D
Do you know any singers? Or do your friends and you mostly just play instruments? :)
Reply - Conversation - Nov 17, 2008
Haha, I agree.
It's always nice to see something historic up close, but it wouldn't hold my interest very long. :D
And in Maryland....hmmm...
Maryland in interesting. There's a lot to do, especially where I live, but there's always the same things going on, so life here get's old fast. Over all it's rather boring. :)
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