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Wardah, 32 y.o.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 211.
inactive user
Hello Wardah :) It's been so long time. How have you been? As for me, I'm on summer vacation now. But school will start very soon. I'm sure I will be busy again :/ Hope you have been well!
inactive user
Sorry for the late reply. You are on vacation now, right? My spring vacation has started from this month :) I have lots of things to do such as taking a driving licence, etc. It's been a little warm here. How about your place? I'm looking forward to spring :)
inactive user
Hey Wardah Long time no see! You have 6 months of holiday? Wow. yea I have finished my school and my graduation is in next month! X) I just can't wait! So you go to university this year? I recently got accepted to local university so I'm kind of free! so contact me anytime. bye :)
inactive user
Hello Wardah! Yeah it's been so long. I missed you too :) So will you go to university from spring? I hope the good result! I've been also very busy because of school. I have lots of reports... But I enjoy experiments of chemistry, they are so fun :)
inactive user
Haha you are right ^^

I see. So you have to study hard for the final exam? How many subjects do you take? Well will you go to university after your graduation?

Oh I see ><

Have a nice summer too :)
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2010
hey, lama tak nampak batang hidung hang - mane kau menghilang ?
inactive user
Hi Wardah, I'm sorry for my late reply.

How have you been? Do you have any vacation in this summer?

Oh school trip :D Where did you visit in Indonesia? :)

I'm in summer vacation from July 30. I'm happy :)
inactive user
Heyy :)
thanks for you wishes though they are late :)
mine 2 months vacation start on friday and I can't wait.
what else were you doing during vacations? what were you doing at Riau (and where it is) ?
inactive user
Hello~ Sorry for my late reply >_< How are you? I hope you are doing well and you got good results in that exam :)
inactive user
it's okay.. I usually reply late too. :D
that sucks! I have to study a lot too during vacation but I usually teke whole vacation off. but then I have to study like crazy.
I think so too. but I'm quite sure it will end in years when we finish school. but then we will have to go to work. and it's almost the same as studying - boring :)
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