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Monika, 34 y.o.
Skawina, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
inactive user
Hey there.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 20, 2012
You drive a fast car... i want a ticket to anywhere... ;)
inactive user
nice taste in music :D
inactive user
hey welcome to interpals!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 25, 2011
圣诞快乐! 恩我很喜欢波兰,虽然波兰没有西欧其他国家富有,但是我去了之后发现波兰人很热情很淳朴!看见我们是外国人很多人愿意帮助我们!我法语还行吧,呵呵 我在法国待了5年,你很厉害呀 会4种语言!德语 波兰语都比法语要难呢!
Reply - Conversation - Dec 19, 2011
哈哈 真高兴能有波兰朋友可以说中文,我之前一直在在法国学习,今年在北京做交换生,你大学学习汉语吗?我去过波兰,呵呵 很喜欢那里!
inactive user
Well I am happy that you did write back to me :) I thought you would not in relation to the person that you are which is not a negative thing :) so what were you working as in Greece? where in Greece did you live? well as yo can see i love Greek music as well and in general all Balkan music as i listed that I love to listen to Bulgarian Greek and serbian are very similar and all of the Balkan music have sooooo much emotion :D it is okay that are all my weekends because I just work during the week oh by the way I already finished college :) my weekend was good friday night i went to a christmas-themed party at a club and saturday i worked at an event promoting a new movie and today just being lazy
inactive user
Well I notice that you are learning Greek ;) how is that going so far? If you would like to learn any of the Balkan Slavic languages I can definnitely help you with that? How is everything? How is your weekend going so far?
inactive user
Hey Monika!!!
Well It is nice to get a look a your pprofile and make my introduction to you :P :D hahahaha my name is Nikola and welcome to interpals :) what's new.... well the quiet ones are usually crazy and I am the exact opposite :P :D hahahahaha I am loud and at times quite and seriously speaking that is a big problem I have being loud I am trying to be more quiet :P
Reply - Conversation - Dec 18, 2011
嗨~ 你好么~
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