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Wolf, 45 y.o.

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 76.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 17, 2014
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2008
Your profile is very fun. :)
Recently, I'm interested in Germany.
I want to know about a German actress who is 'Barbara Rudnik'
She is an attractive woman.
I'm burnig into her...HAHA..­..

Anyway, have a good time~
inactive user
just say hi,
I like Germany:)
Good autos are always come from Germany.
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2008

:) jaja! danke! alles klar, und dir? wie gehts dir=)?
^^ das ist nett von dir! entschuldigun, ich kann nicht gut deutsch sprechen :P

kennst du Taiwan?
Und was machst du gern in deine Freizeit?

alles gute^^
Aloisia(mein deutscher Name)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 30, 2008
Where have you been?good to have you back.About Tibet,it was , is and always will be a part of China.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 29, 2008
wie geht\'s? Was neues?Ach,mir ist langweilig.
inactive user
oh also let\'s fight with jellyfishs -.-
inactive user
OMG you!!!!!!!!!!
are you okay now?
su.cks jellyfishs grrr
did you go to there with Patrick Star?
I was learned clarinet at Squidword\'s house..
he wasn\'t good at music.
but he think i don\'t have any talent at music....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let\'s fight to Squidword grr
inactive user
Emo Spongebob! How funny! ^^
inactive user
ooo, lol, well er, i dk how 2 reply, umm, im creepy, coz lyk...i dk, mayb im used 2 creepy stuff...ya kno? lol soz, im stupid...
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