Misun, 38 y.o.
15 years ago,
profile updated
15 years ago.
Displaying posts 1
to 10
of 341.

long time no see. how are you? :)
the weather is great here in Seattle..
how is Korea's weather?

I love it there : )
I am so happy that you and your family are doing okay.
my family is doing good also, thank you far asking!
Yes, it has been a really long time..
i have missed you too~~
really? cool. it will be fun to meet and hang around Seoul.
yes, the months are going by so fast!!!!
omg.. time is slipping away..
you have a great weekend too!
see ya..

I am now in Seattle, i will return back to Tennessee for a few days. Really? thank you, i now love to talk, itsd kind of hard for me to be quiet. haha
Really? thank you for the information^^
i will plan on moving to Korea for about 1 year, but maybe longer :)
i love it there^^
how have yioyu been doing?
i have been traveling alot these days and it is alot of fun, but also boring! I wish that i had someone to travel with me. hehe
how is your family?
i have missed talking to you^^
when i get to korea, you and i can talk.. lol
have a great day!!
see you later my best friend^^

how are you?
i understand! i have been really busy also, i am in Utah at the present moment~
I am still preparing for Korea:) i want to go to Korea so bad! : )
i am still looking for for some great places to stay and visit. can you recommended a great place to stay?
everything is great!
my friend from Korea arrived Tuesday in Salt Lake City and we have been having a wonderful time! I am not shy anymore :D
Yes, everything is okay with me, thank you for asking!!
i have really missed you!!!
i have been worried about you!!!!
is everything okay with you?

how are you?
did you have a good weekend?

Well, you know that i love photography, so could you recommend some great sights for me to visit in Seoul? Actually, Seoul is where i am planning to live when i move to Korea.
Ok~ i wont think like that : )
i am now reseaching places to stay in Seoul. I am researching apartments now. when i come in August, i will do a homestay for about 1 month~

i am happy to return to korea, i hope that we get to meet again~
Wow~ thank you!!
you are so kind~~!!!
oh my goodness... ii have so many questions about my trip... but i hate to bother you with my questions.. :(

I don't see how you do those things at one time.. you must be exhausted..
I now see why you have been busy.. i feel sorry for you :(
yes, i want to see you less tired..haha
i have to also prepare for my trip to Korea this summer^^
so, i will become busy later, i am soing research on what i have to do to move to Korea..

Yes, it is really good for you~
I will be moving to Utah in 17 days and i am so excited~!!
My knee is recovering fast!! Thank you for asking^^
I can walk a little, but not too fast..hehe
What have you been up to these days? : )
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