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Thoa, 34 y.o.
Namyangju, South Korea [Current City]

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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 13.
inactive user
Yeah, it's great everything's so cheap compared to Europe! Hope I can also save up some money to visit Japan when my winter break comes.
inactive user
Oh yes, actually I'm doing my 4th grade research project about plastic surgery, so obviously I'm ready to find plastic teenagers around Myeongdong and the center, haha. It's a pity they can't accept themselves the way they are, but I don't think they like a foreigner to tell them what to do and what not to.

And no, I've always lived with my parents so it's my first time living on my own and living on a dorm. Hope it's not as chlaustrophobic as it seems! I hate we have a curfew and all (I wanted to go out at night), but since there are 24h cafes and saunas, I guess it won't be too bad.
inactive user
That's really ellitist from them tbh :\ Who cares what are you wearing? So you mean things like hoodies and chucks or? And yeah, I know how it works in America but as I said, it shouldn't be like that. I mean, I understand if you're going to a job interview or something, but you should be free to wear whatever you want, specially when it's cold and a hoodie it's the best thing to wear with several other clothes and layers lol. I honestly didn't expect this from them! o.O And yes, I assume I'll be living in HUFS dorm in Dongdaemun-gu!
inactive user
I'll be going to HUFS university and from Sept to June 2013 :) And yeah, I heard it's super duper cold! We're not used to this kind of temperatures here, even if we live in Europe x_x Well, I guess they'll have the right clothes for that Russian winter XDDD And hey, why can't we? Are they all fashionistas, or? I saw Korean girls wear tights or jeggings when it's snowing amb like, OMG how can you...? x_x
inactive user
Hey Thoa, nice to meet you :) This is Claudia, and I'll be living in Seoul in September as an exchange student. How's your experience going over there? Would you like to talk a little bit? I'd love to hear from you and maybe meeting in the city someday haha! Well, hope you're doing great ^_^
inactive user
jimjibang? nice! if it same thing that i thought thing...:)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2013
No i'm not student haha

do you know donong??
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2013
kkkk. Yes . im having a pizza with friends now after washing body in 목욕탕. today is not cold . kkk hang out with friends~~~
inactive user
Hey, hi.
Thanks for youer interest.
I hope you enjoy your stay in korea. :D
Reply - Conversation - Jan 19, 2013
really?? you lives in guri???
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