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Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1361.
inactive user
:D hey melissa.
sorry for my late reply, loll.
lmaaaaaaaao two months. and yet i still reply.
inactive user

no way it was great! >_<
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2010
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2010
Whoa! Look who it is! The girl who barely ever shows her face around Interpals anymore. :b
Just kidding.
its okay. I've been really procrastinating to get on here as well. I've just been busy, then I got sick, and yeah. Its just been hectic lol.
inactive user
I'm fine too. :) hows your school things?
inactive user
so what's up?
inactive user
oh just university , and im always exhausted in the end of the day when uni is over
Reply - Conversation - Nov 9, 2010
hello ^-^ nothing much. what about you?
inactive user
Helloo, how are you? :)
inactive user
just good thx and u ? ^^
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