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Marrino89, 35 y.o.
Spoleto, Italy [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 345.
inactive user
Well, if you remembered without checking you would have had the memory of an elephant or something! Well... if an elephants memory is as good as they say...
I haaaaaaaaaate mosquitoes! I don't scratch or it leaves scars. xD I have lots of freckles on my arms already, I don't need more pigmentation issues. My mom once used cooking spray on her body instead of insect repellent! Hahaha! Super funny!
A dude girl? xD Do I resemble a cross dresser? There is a song by Aerosmith! "DUUUUUDE LOOKS LIKE A LAAAAAADY!"
inactive user
lol so sorry
inactive user
lol uuuuuuuuuhm.... i cant
inactive user
xD I don't remember my last message! I probably said something dumb anyways. Haha. What was the date? I'm curious now! Haha.
Hmmm, it's nice to live on the lake, but the swamp creates even more mosquitoes! My state is infamous for it's mosquitoes. A Minnesotan joke is our states bird is the mosquito! xD I don't party often, but I do like to dance at club with friends! It's always fun! Even if creepy guys use their crotch to try and impress you. xD
AH! I'm assuming me being uninteresting is just sarcasm! Haha. Well, I must have left a good impression if you thought of me a year later!
inactive user
Hahahaha. It's been that long but you still remember me? You have the memory of an elephant! <3 Somehow this makes me feel special! ;D Well, I am looking forward to summer time too! It's getting hot here, but our summer is a little late because it took so long for spring! We still had snow a little over a month ago! It's crazy! My family live on the lake, so I am just waiting for the weather to warm the water! Though... I think I would prefer a nice beach. D: Instead, I swim off the dock!
xD I hope you still find me semi-interesting. Hahaha.
inactive user
HEY! It's been so super long! Hahaha. I had taken a long break from interpals, but now I'm back. xD How're you?!
inactive user
aah das it aber schade :/
hmm ich war früher ein anime freak bins aber heute nicht mehr. ich lern die sprache, weil ich sie schön finde. das ist alles :)
inactive user
wenn es für die Katakana ist, dann wäre das echt super :)
Hiragana kann ich schon alle :)
inactive user
lol why is it not/ XD
inactive user
nothing lol
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