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Mak50, 63 y.o.
Brisbane, Australia [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
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Will always have time for pen pal from NZ, I hope everyone is in the best of health. I am not Maori and am Hawaiian; however we are polynesians. I want to meet and learn about Maori and someday come for a visit. Please keep in touch!!
Reply - Conversation - May 4, 2010
Hi Mak50,
It would be nice if it was warm, but currently we are having a bit of a last blast of cold weather. It is only 0C today with 70KMH + winds and rain mixed with snow. We do need the moisture, but a bit warmer would be nice.

I would love to write to you. My email is [email protected]. Just send me a note and we can get started. I would love to hear about Australia and about you.

Take care,
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2010
all is well here, had a lovely weekend.
pls tell me a little about where you live. Ive heard that Australia is beautiful & peaceful. When is your birthday? Mine is 19th december.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 7, 2010
Hi there...your profile pic is stunning.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2010
I am not on here a lot but would love to comunicate with you. Have you ever been to Canada? I have not been outside of Canada. Other then the USA which is very close, which is very close to me. I will be driving through the USA on my holiday this July. Hope your weekend went well. Suzie
Reply - Conversation - Mar 25, 2010
Hi again from Carol in Canada. Not a lot new here, but then nothing bad either. What do you work at? Will write more soon. Thanks
Reply - Conversation - Mar 13, 2010
Many greetings from Germany and have a nice weekend
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2010
marahba bike hawe are you my freind
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2010
Besides having the flu for a week or so I'm fine, tx. How about you? You can message me if you want to. Take care..:)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 21, 2010
Hi Makere,

Thank you for your message. 29 degrees?! Good for you. Here, the high is around 8C.

Poor me, I've not been to your country nor to New Zea land while my daughter went to Australia for her field trip in junior high school days! And there are many students have been there.

May be some day in several years..

Are you interested in my project that you see in my profile? I keep a diary with photos there so that you can get to know some Japanese life.

Happy Monday!

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